The struggle of change
Full moon 28 October 23, full moon in Taurus
The last 3 years were an absolute exception to the rule.
The pandemic was challenging for all of us on so many different levels and in different areas in our lives, but the one thing that we all had to do a lot was to adapt to change. So much change!
Something humans tend to avoid, don’t really like and struggle with a lot.
But sometimes we need to embrace change to move forward.
For instance, if we want to progress in our career and need to change jobs, or when we would like to experience life in a different city or country, we need to move. On a smaller level change could be switching a not so good habit (i.e. smoking) for something that is healthy for us - you get the picture.
Even though we know that there is something positive in the change, oftentimes we are scared, outright frightened and frozen in a way.
But why are we so afraid of change and are struggling with it so much that sometimes we rather stay in the crusty old environment rather than stepping into the crisp new exciting world?
There is actually a scientific reason behind it, very simplified put: it is because our brain is trying to keep us safe.
One part to this has to do with the fact that our behavior is largely (95%ish) driven by our subconscious mind; so it makes total sense that when we undergo change (no matter how big or small) we feel tired and maybe even scared of and by it.
The 5% of our conscious behavior has to expand and work much harder to allow our actions and behavior to accommodate the new environment or habit.
Here are some tips to help you embrace change and support your conscious mind if you need to step into change but feel challenged by it at the same time:
First of all, I would encourage you to look at the positives this change will bring with it. The fear you might have when facing it might disappear simply by looking at the cup half full rather than half empty.
Allow yourself to take some time in transition.
This can look differently according to whatever situation you might be in, for instance if you are adapting to a new habit you could create a ritual around that habit to make it easier to adapt to, if you are changing jobs give yourself a little credit and don’t have your expectations too high on yourself until you are fully settled in, if you are like me and are swinging between work and mum duties allow yourself some time between the jobs to consciously refocus your brain into the new task and so on
Think of the message that Socrates has left for us:
“The secret of change is to focus all your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new.”